BioFire Diagnostics, Inc. Announces Issuance of U.S. Patent for the FilmArray® System
Date: Mar 13, 2013
Source: Business Wire ( click here to go to the source)
FilmArray's proprietary technology represents a significant advancementin user-friendliness and multiplex infectious disease testing capabilityfor hospital clinical labs. This is the first U.S. patent issued tocover the FilmArray system, and BioFire has exclusive rights to thepatented technology. Specifically, the patent covers methods for samplepreparation and two-step multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in asealed container.
As part of the FilmArray system, BioFire has developed the FilmArrayRespiratory Panel (RP), which rapidly detects nucleic acids innasopharyngeal swabs obtained from individuals suspected of respiratorytract infections. Requiring only two minutes of hands-on time, FilmArrayRP has about a one-hour turnaround time, and simultaneously tests for 20viral and bacterial targets.
Additionally, BioFire is continuing to develop a broader test menu forits FilmArray system, including a Blood Culture ID Panel,Gastrointestinal Panel and a Meningitis Panel, with more patentsexpected in the future.
"BioFire is excited to broaden its already extensive intellectualproperty portfolio," said Kirk Ririe, CEO of BioFire Diagnostics. "Weare confident this newest patent will provide exclusivity for ourFilmArray system and methods."
For more information, visit
About BioFire Diagnostics, Inc.
BioFire Diagnostics, Inc., formerly Idaho Technology, Inc., is aprivately held clinical diagnostics company based in Salt Lake City,Utah. The Company manufactures and distributes the FilmArray RP, whichoperates on the user-friendly FilmArray system, to hospital-basedclinical laboratories across the U.S. and EU. With the FilmArray RP,BioFire provides the only FDA-cleared clinical diagnostic test for eightof the 20 organisms in its panel. In addition, BioFire continues tobroaden its FilmArray test menu, and is currently developing a BloodCulture ID Panel, a Gastrointestinal Panel, and a Meningitis Panel.
BioFire holds over 70 patents related to polymerase chain reaction(PCR), and it has used its extensive patent portfolio to successfullymarket nearly 200 products to the clinical, research, and militarymarkets. BioFire customers include the Department of Health and HumanServices, the Department of Defense, state and local law enforcement,and researchers and medical technicians across a spectrum of fields andindustries.
BioFire Diagnostics, Inc.
Jill Powlick, 801-736-6354 x423
Source: Business Wire ( click here to go to the source)
Featured firm in this article: BioFire Diagnostics Inc of Salt Lake City, UT
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As part of the FilmArray system, BioFire has developed the FilmArrayRespiratory Panel (RP), which rapidly detects nucleic acids innasopharyngeal swabs obtained from individuals suspected of respiratorytract infections. Requiring only two minutes of hands-on time, FilmArrayRP has about a one-hour turnaround time, and simultaneously tests for 20viral and bacterial targets.
Additionally, BioFire is continuing to develop a broader test menu forits FilmArray system, including a Blood Culture ID Panel,Gastrointestinal Panel and a Meningitis Panel, with more patentsexpected in the future.
"BioFire is excited to broaden its already extensive intellectualproperty portfolio," said Kirk Ririe, CEO of BioFire Diagnostics. "Weare confident this newest patent will provide exclusivity for ourFilmArray system and methods."
For more information, visit
About BioFire Diagnostics, Inc.
BioFire Diagnostics, Inc., formerly Idaho Technology, Inc., is aprivately held clinical diagnostics company based in Salt Lake City,Utah. The Company manufactures and distributes the FilmArray RP, whichoperates on the user-friendly FilmArray system, to hospital-basedclinical laboratories across the U.S. and EU. With the FilmArray RP,BioFire provides the only FDA-cleared clinical diagnostic test for eightof the 20 organisms in its panel. In addition, BioFire continues tobroaden its FilmArray test menu, and is currently developing a BloodCulture ID Panel, a Gastrointestinal Panel, and a Meningitis Panel.
BioFire holds over 70 patents related to polymerase chain reaction(PCR), and it has used its extensive patent portfolio to successfullymarket nearly 200 products to the clinical, research, and militarymarkets. BioFire customers include the Department of Health and HumanServices, the Department of Defense, state and local law enforcement,and researchers and medical technicians across a spectrum of fields andindustries.
BioFire Diagnostics, Inc.
Jill Powlick, 801-736-6354 x423