Company Profile

TelemeTrak Inc
Profile last edited on: 1/16/2023      CAGE: 8KD52      UEI: JQE9SKN11GM8

Business Identifier: Advanced, customizable and deployable self-powered real-time asset tracking systema
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

8000 Edgewater Drive Suite #200
Oakland, CA 94621
   (415) 335-3436
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Alameda

Public Profile

Offering complete tracking systems that use kinetic energy to capture multiple times more data than competitors, TelemeTrak AI extracts maximum value from the firm's Big Data with each of hre firm's trackers able to handle 128+ sensors - for environmental, motion, chemical, radiation, presence, and other data. Examples od whatthat means can include detection of container doors opening, the presence of individual cargo items, drilling or cutting through a container wall, cellular or GPS jamming etc

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Erik Eklund -- Co-Founder & CEO

  Bjornerik Eklund

  Bjornerik Eklund -- Government Affairs Manager

  Frederick Ziegler

Company News

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