Kinetic Energy-Powered Tracking of AGE Trailers
Award last edited on: 2/27/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Frederick Ziegler

Company Information

TelemeTrak Inc

8000 Edgewater Drive Suite #200
Oakland, CA 94621
   (415) 335-3436
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Alameda

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-23-P-0128
Start Date: 11/2/2022    Completed: 2/4/2023
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
TelemeTrak will study AF needs and customer demand for, and the technical and commercial feasibility of modifying TelemeTrak’s existing kinetic energy harvesting and tracking technologies and products in order to properly track AF AGE (aerospace ground equipment) trailers. Typical AF fighter wings have over 200 AGE trailers and use them to move tools, munitions, equipment and fuel around the flight line. Managing those trailers effectively is critical to maintaining readiness efficiently. Many of these trailers move several times an hour and simply keeping track of where they all are is an important task that TelemeTrak could largely automate. TelemeTrak’s proprietary and patent protected kinetic energy harvesting technology allows our tracking devices to operate on trailers that do not have electric power, and do so without battery changes or recharging, or access to external power.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount