TelemeTrak: C-17 OBLE (on board loose equipment) Detection to Largely Automate Equipment Inspections
Award last edited on: 11/6/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Frederick Ziegler

Company Information

TelemeTrak Inc

8000 Edgewater Drive Suite #200
Oakland, CA 94621
   (415) 335-3436
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Alameda

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-22-P-0929
Start Date: 7/13/2022    Completed: 2/5/2024
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Direct to Phase II

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-22-P-0929
Start Date: 7/13/2022    Completed: 2/5/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
TelemeTrak's technology can make aircraft OBLE (on board loose equipment) inspections 90% faster than today’s manual inspections, which take a full hour on a C-17. But, with TelemeTrak’s proposed OBLE detection device these could be done in only 6 minutes, the time needed to walk slowly up and down an 88’ C-17 cargo bay, or around the entire aircraft, carrying our device as it detects the OBLE. In this D2P2, TelemeTrak will modify its existing product (by making it rugged and hand-held) to develop this solution and conduct T&E to ensure that it meets AF requirement, and in particular the needs of the 437th AMXS at JB Charleston. TelemeTrak’s Phase I and post-Phase I efforts both demonstrated impressive results. In Phase I, we identified the 437th AMXS as the right AF Customer and End-User, documented its needs and confirmed the technical feasibility of our proposed solution. Post-Phase I, TelemeTrak conducted much more T&E and confirmed that our current device can, with the correct antenna, detect RFID tags at up to 63’ away, well beyond the 18’ width of a C-17 cargo bay. These results are extremely encouraging and demonstrate the potential to save the 437th AMXS over 11,500 annual man-hours and many more for the other 66 AF maintenance squadrons and similar maintenance units across DOD. We intend to reach at least TRL-7 and MRL-6 in Phase II, and to get unit costs (in volumes of 30+) well below $1000. Phase II Technical Objectives and Key Results Objective 1 – Prove (by T&E) the ability to detect RFID (or other) tagged C-17 OBLE. Key Results: Detect up to 500 tags at once. Detect at range of 18’ (full width of a C-17 cargo compartment). Deliver handheld, ruggedized OBLE detection device to the 437th AMXS within 18 months of CA. Objective 2 – Prove (by T&E) the ability to display a list of the above OBLE in a user-friendly UI. Key Results: Display all detected items in UI. Display undetected (but sought for, and thus missing) items in UI. Deliver UI to the 437th AMXS within 18 months of CA. Objective 3 – Prove (by T&E) the ability to transfer above list to a USB, and by wired or wireless means to an AF user. Key Results: Transfer list of OBLE detected from device to a USB stick. Transfer list of OBLE sought from a USB to device. Transfer list of OBLE detected wirelessly from device to another device capable of displaying the list. Deliver device to the 437th AMXS within 18 months of CA. Objective 4 – Prove (by T&E) the ability to notify (audibly or visually) the user of the presence of a specific OBLE item. Key Results: Produce audible signal when a specific, sought for, OBLE item is detected. Produce visual signal when a specific, sought for, OBLE item is detected. Deliver device producing those audible and visual signals to the 437th AMXS within 18 months of CA. TelemeTrak can achieve the four technology objectives above with a D2P2 award and save the AF thousands of inspection man-hours. We are thus pleased to submit this proposal.