Previously known as Sybtrel Biotechnology, (name change in 1995), Bayou Biolabs offers a complete line of DNA Ladders, pUC and M13 vectors, and ready to ligate vectors. The firm offers Custom Plasmid Preparation from milligram to gram scale, supercoiled purified, for applications such as gene therapy; Custom Protein Preparation of proteins or enzymes, from milligram to multi-gram scale, the protein is purified chromatographically according to the customerâs specifications. A complete line of DNA Ladders, pUC and M13 vectors, molecular biology enzymes, and ready to ligate vectors. Recombinant Enzymes tagged with polyhistidine and purified by metal chelate affinity chromatography. The firm offers a breakthrough in plasmid purification, achieves virtually 100% supercoiled plasmid product and iin plasmid purification, removes nearly all chromosomal DNA contamination from plasmid preparations. The largest collection of natural plasmids in the world, containing genes for antibiotic resistance, heavy metal resistance, inc groups, etc.(click here to learn more