The objective of this project is to construct a novel expression vector system which will facilitate inexpensive mass production and purification of commercially important enzymes. This will be accomplished by producing a novel fusion protein which can be readily purified to homogeneity by a simple affinity chromatography step. This vector is intended to supplant current fusion protein vectors by reducing the cost of production and purification, and yielding a product of superior purity and activity.Awardee's statement of the potential commercial applications of the research:Enzymes are used widely in biological research in both academia and industry. For example, recombinant DNA techniques rely on enzymes to manipulate DNA and clinical diagnostic chemistry utilizes enzymes to assay metabolites in clinical specimens. This project will develop better methods of producing high purity enzymes through the use of new technology in molecular biology. This technology will allow the U. S. A. to retain its leadership in commercial enzyme production, a key component of the billion dollar biotechnology industry.National Cancer Institute (NCI)