Opel Defense Integrated Systems Inc. (ODIS Inc.) was originally a subsidiary of Opel Solar International, now generally dba as POET Technologies. POET is a semiconductor-manufacturing technology that enables the monolithic fabrication of integrated circuit (IC) chips containing both electronic and optical elements. POETâs core technology is a new process for making devices using gallium arsenide as the substrate for wafers instead of silicon. Gallium arsenide has a number of advantages over silicon, including faster speeds and lower energy consumption. Gallium arsenide is also the preeminent substrate for integrating optics onto the chip. Optical connections are much faster and more efficient than copper for transferring data inside and out of the chip.Denselight Semiconductors is a Singapore-based division of POET Technologies that designs, manufactures, and delivers leading photonic optical light source products and solutions to the communications, medical, instrumentations, industrial, defense, and security industries. The firm has access to extensive patents assigned to Opel Solar Inc.