Company Profile

Sigray Inc
Profile last edited on: 9/26/2022      CAGE: 70Q59      UEI: H5UJCPYHJM34

Business Identifier: X-ray instrumentation manufacturer
Year Founded
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Location Information

5750 Imhoff Drive Suite I
Concord, CA 94520
   (925) 949-6958
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Contra Costa

Public Profile

Sigray, Inc. develops and commercializes the next generation of advanced X-ray equipment. The company's current focus is developing technologies in the X-ray chemical analysis and clinical X-ray phase contrast imaging areas. The firm has developed new approaches for x-ray optics for both synchroron and laboratory equipment. Current products include x-ray sources, x-ray optics with resolution options ranging from 0.2 to 10 um , electron microscopy microanalysis attachments and x-ray analytical microscope. Sigray has developed numerous patent-pending x-ray components and systems to match what is possible at the synchrotron.

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