Cryogenic High-throughput Cellular Imaging System
Award last edited on: 2/16/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Wenbing Yun

Company Information

Sigray Inc

5750 Imhoff Drive Suite I
Concord, CA 94520
   (925) 949-6958
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Contra Costa

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R44GM148148-01
Start Date: 9/10/2022    Completed: 8/31/2024
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
X-ray microscopy has evolved into an important ultrastructure imaging approach for visualizing and measuring intact cells in three dimensions. Beamlines dedicated to cellular imaging have been constructed at synchrotron facilities around the world, and the co-PI of this proposal developed the first commercial laboratory x-ray microscope for cellular imaging. The approaches thus far have centered around the use of "water window" x-rays, having energies between 285 to 540eV and for which water is transparent but organic content is absorbing. However, there are several major drawbacks to using these low energy x-rays: they severely limit the size of cells that can be imaged (e.g., <10 µm when many mammalian cells are 10-100 µm). This SBIR proposal aims to develop a 3D nano x-ray microscope capable of high throughput (~30 minute) 3D imaging of cryogenically preserved cells of up to 80 µm in diameter at down to 30nm resolution. The system utilizes the phenomenon of Zernike phase contrast at higher (2.7 keV) energy x-rays, which can achieve even higher contrast for biological samples than water window x-rays. Additionally, the system will enable several major advantages over water window x-ray microscopy, including much larger cell imaging (80µm vs. 10µm), larger depth-of- field for higher 3D resolution, and practical benefits (more stable x-ray source and larger working distance to incorporate correlative techniques). The microscope uses the company's patented high brightness x-ray source and proprietary x-ray optic technology. The project will develop the proposing company's existing 2.7 keV ambient system to enable cryogenic operation and optimize its performance for cellular imaging. The proposed Phase II 24-month project is to develop a complete cryogenic 2.7 keV system for cellular imaging and to experimentally demonstrate its performance on mammalian cells.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative This project proposes to develop a laboratory x-ray microscope capable of high-throughput 3D imaging of organelles in cryogenically preserved cells. The proposed cryogenic system will be a breakthrough for basic biological research, providing a path for rapid analysis of organelle structures in both diseased and healthy cells and linking the existing approaches of cryogenic light and cryogenic electron techniques.

Project Terms:
absorption; Algae; Bacteria; Carbon; Cell Communication; Cell Interaction; Cell-to-Cell Interaction; Cells; Cell Body; Cryopreservation; Cryofixation; cold preservation; cold storage; Disease; Disorder; Electrons; Negative Beta Particle; Negatrons; Freezing; Gases; Germany; Grant; Hela Cells; HeLa; Ice; Laboratories; Light; Photoradiation; Electron Microscopy; NIH; National Institutes of Health; United States National Institutes of Health; Nitrogen; optical; Optics; Organelles; O element; O2 element; Oxygen; Patents; Legal patent; radiation effect; Staining method; Stains; Formosa; Republic of China; Taiwan; Technology; tomography; Water; Hydrogen Oxide; Roentgen Rays; X-Radiation; X-Ray Radiation; X-ray; Xray; Yeasts; Measures; Cell Size; Synchrotrons; Microscope; Phase; Biological; biologic; Link; Letters; Attenuated; tool; Research Specimen; Specimen; light microscopy; Stream; water sampling; Source; Techniques; System; 3-D; 3D; three dimensional; 3-Dimensional; membrane structure; Membrane; Performance; Xray microscopy; X ray microscopy; Cryo-electron Microscopy; Electron Cryomicroscopy; cryo-EM; cryoEM; Cryoelectron Microscopy; cryogenics; M cell; Structure; Sampling; beamline; 3-D Imaging; 3D imaging; Three-Dimensional Imaging; Diameter; Caliber; Hydration; Hydration status; Address; Dose; Mammalian Cell; Resolution; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research; transmission process; Transmission; Preparation; Development; developmental; cellular imaging; cell imaging; nano; Image; imaging; design; designing; Radiation induced damage; radiation damage; innovation; innovate; innovative; biological research; operation; imaging system; microscopic imaging; microscope imaging; microscopy imaging; high resolution imaging; imaging approach; imaging based approach; imaging capabilities; preservation; nanometer resolution; detection platform; detection system

Phase II

Contract Number: 5R44GM148148-02
Start Date: 9/10/2022    Completed: 8/31/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
X-ray microscopy has evolved into an important ultrastructure imaging approach for visualizing and measuring intact cells in three dimensions. Beamlines dedicated to cellular imaging have been constructed at synchrotron facilities around the world, and the co-PI of this proposal developed the first commercial laboratory x-ray microscope for cellular imaging. The approaches thus far have centered around the use of "water window" x-rays, having energies between 285 to 540eV and for which water is transparent but organic content is absorbing. However, there are several major drawbacks to using these low energy x-rays: they severely limit the size of cells that can be imaged (e.g., <10 µm when many mammalian cells are 10-100 µm). This SBIR proposal aims to develop a 3D nano x-ray microscope capable of high throughput (~30 minute) 3D imaging of cryogenically preserved cells of up to 80 µm in diameter at down to 30nm resolution. The system utilizes the phenomenon of Zernike phase contrast at higher (2.7 keV) energy x-rays, which can achieve even higher contrast for biological samples than water window x-rays. Additionally, the system will enable several major advantages over water window x-ray microscopy, including much larger cell imaging (80µm vs. 10µm), larger depth-of- field for higher 3D resolution, and practical benefits (more stable x-ray source and larger working distance to incorporate correlative techniques). The microscope uses the company's patented high brightness x-ray source and proprietary x-ray optic technology. The project will develop the proposing company's existing 2.7 keV ambient system to enable cryogenic operation and optimize its performance for cellular imaging. The proposed Phase II 24-month project is to develop a complete cryogenic 2.7 keV system for cellular imaging and to experimentally demonstrate its performance on mammalian cells.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative This project proposes to develop a laboratory x-ray microscope capable of high-throughput 3D imaging of organelles in cryogenically preserved cells. The proposed cryogenic system will be a breakthrough for basic biological research, providing a path for rapid analysis of organelle structures in both diseased and healthy cells and linking the existing approaches of cryogenic light and cryogenic electron techniques.

Project Terms:
absorption; Algae; Bacteria; Carbon; Cell Communication; Cell Interaction; Cell-to-Cell Interaction; Cells; Cell Body; Cryopreservation; Cryofixation; cold preservation; cold storage; Dedications; Disease; Disorder; Electrons; Negative Beta Particle; Negatrons; Freezing; Gases; Germany; Grant; Hela Cells; HeLa; Ice; Laboratories; Light; Photoradiation; Electron Microscopy; United States National Institutes of Health; NIH; National Institutes of Health; Nitrogen; Optics; optical; Organelles; Oxygen; O element; O2 element; Legal patent; Patents; radiation effect; Stains; Staining method; Taiwan; Formosa; Republic of China; Technology; tomography; Water; Hydrogen Oxide; Roentgen Rays; X-Radiation; X-Ray Radiation; X-ray; Xray; Yeasts; Measures; Cell Size; Synchrotrons; Microscope; Phase; biologic; Biological; Link; Letters; Attenuated; attenuate; attenuates; tool; Specimen; Research Specimen; light microscopy; Stream; water sampling; Source; Techniques; System; 3-Dimensional; 3-D; 3D; three dimensional; meter; Membrane; membrane structure; Performance; X ray microscopy; Xray microscopy; Cryoelectron Microscopy; Cryo-electron Microscopy; Electron Cryomicroscopy; cryo-EM; cryoEM; cryogenic electron microscopy; cryogenics; Structure; Sampling; beamline; Three-Dimensional Imaging; 3-D Imaging; 3D imaging; Hydration; Hydration status; Address; Dose; Mammalian Cell; Resolution; resolutions; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research; transmission process; Transmission; Preparation; preparations; Development; developmental; cellular imaging; cell imaging; nano; Image; imaging; designing; design; radiation damage; Radiation induced damage; innovate; innovative; innovation; biological research; commercialization; operations; operation; imaging system; microscope imaging; microscopy imaging; microscopic imaging; high resolution imaging; imaging based approach; imaging approach; imaging capabilities; preservation; nanometer resolution; Visualization; detection system; detection platform; Diameter