Patent issued for tube-launched guided aerial delivery system
Date: Jan 28, 2015
Source: Company Data ( click here to go to the source)
Technology development from a NAVAIR Phase II SBIR resulted in a patent (1/27/15) for a sonobuoy glide-kit (SEABRD) for guided payload delivery from high altitude deployment. Barron's technology is unique in that it attaches flight mechanisms directly to the sonobuoy steel outer-housing and does not require a distinct fuselage. Thin wing and tail surfaces combined with the dual-purpose outer housing conserves enough radial volume that the glide-kit is capable of deploying from a standard sonobuoy launch container while transporting a full-size sonobuoy (size A). Other unique features of the SEABRD vehicle include a novel tail deployment system for trajectory control and specialized mechanisms for ejecting the flight surfaces in-air prior to water splashdown.
The SEABRD sonobuoy glide-kit is designed to deploy from a launch container onboard either a Navy P-3 or P-8 from 15,000 up to 40,000 ft. Upon exiting the transport aircraft, a stabilization parachute is used to achieve a controlled vertical descent. During the vertical descent, wing and tail surfaces are deployed and the stabilization parachute is released. The vehicle pitches up into a glide phase and begins a guided descent towards the water entry target. As the target is approached, the wing and tail surfaces are ejected and a terminal parachute is deployed in order to achieve a nearly vertical water splashdown. The sonobuoy sensor releases from the outer housing once the vehicle is in the water.
Source: Company Data ( click here to go to the source)
Featured firm in this article: Barron Associates Inc of Charlottesville, VA
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The SEABRD sonobuoy glide-kit is designed to deploy from a launch container onboard either a Navy P-3 or P-8 from 15,000 up to 40,000 ft. Upon exiting the transport aircraft, a stabilization parachute is used to achieve a controlled vertical descent. During the vertical descent, wing and tail surfaces are deployed and the stabilization parachute is released. The vehicle pitches up into a glide phase and begins a guided descent towards the water entry target. As the target is approached, the wing and tail surfaces are ejected and a terminal parachute is deployed in order to achieve a nearly vertical water splashdown. The sonobuoy sensor releases from the outer housing once the vehicle is in the water.