Company Profile

Teledevices LLC
Profile last edited on: 7/27/2020      CAGE: 3DFH1      UEI: QLJ5XYKYEES6

Business Identifier: Design, prototype, and test engineering for developing form-fit-functional replacement of Electronic Warfare, Avionics, and Communications systems
Year Founded
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Location Information

4179 Pleasant Hill Road
Duluth, GA 30096
   (770) 932-0250
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Gwinnett

Public Profile

TeleDevices, LLC (TDL)provides high-quality engineering services and technical support to the Department of Defense and Aerospace markets. TeleDevices has deep expertise in design, prototype, and test engineering for developing form-fit-functional replacement of Electronic Warfare, Avionics, and Communications systems. TDL has engineering expertise in Digital/Analog/RF circuit design, Power Supply design, DMSMS solutions, Reverse Engineering, System Integration, Test Engineering, Software/ OFP development etc. The frim combines technical services with in-house labs, tools, and expertise needed to solve the toughest engineering challenges. TeleDevices' proven process takes technology through concept development, algorithm development, algorithm validation, and finally, technology transition.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 AF $899,716
Project Title: Ultra Wideband Receiver (UWR) - Sample Clock Modulation

Key People / Management

  Finley Hicks

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