Company Profile

Summit Technology Laboratory
Profile last edited on: 12/3/21      CAGE: 7MP30      UEI: VLWFHHUPXKY6

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Popularity Index
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Location Information

2 Murasaki Street
Irvine, CA 92617
   (949) 466-5046
Location: Single
Congr. District: 45
County: Orange

Public Profile

Describing the firm as creating engaging environments to deliver interactive, multi-user experience, the firm is indicated as working with production houses, agencies offering event/experiential services, exhibition designers & builders, companies providing trade show services, content producers, A/V companies, marketing agencies,venue managers, museums, architects, and entertainment companies - all described as using the firm's products or software- integrating them into their own offerings.

Extent of SBIR involvement

User Avatar

Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Aditi Majumder

  Duy Quoc-Lai -- Former PI

  Mehdi Rahiivecom

  Alexander Sidenko

  Sarvesh Thakur -- Computer Vision Engineer

  Meghana Kiran Urs -- Computer Vision Engineer

Company News

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