Company Profile

Summit Materials LLC (AKA: Summit Materials Inc)
Profile last edited on: 6/4/2024      CAGE: 5TGR7      UEI: SSHTJB8EYTB9

Business Identifier: Construction materials company that produces aggregates, cement, ready-mix concrete and asphalt, and offers paving, construction and other services
Year Founded
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Location Information

1801 California Street Suite 3500
Denver, CO 80202
   (303) 893-0012
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Denver

Public Profile

Summit Materials LLC has two main business pillars as its foundation: SM-100 is immune to corrosion while maintaining impressive wear and erosion properties, all while being ultra elastic, non-magnetic, and 18% lighter than steel. It is routinely used in situations where there is a combination of corrosion and wear issues; and the firm's Shaped Hot Isostatic Pressed Process (SHIP2) provides a means for creating complex geometries with wrought-processed properties at typical savings of 30%. Summit Materials provides an attractive alternative to creating wasteful machining chips by vastly improving buy-to-fly ratios. The firm has worked on projects ranging from golf clubs to the space station and everything in between. A key advantage of SHIP2 is the ability to incorporate non-machinable features such as internal passages and drastic cut backs, allowing design engineers the freedom to create optimal designs without worrying about manufacturing limitations. Design changes during production that were once prohibitive due to the expense of altering a forging die can now be done on the fly for very little cost or time. SHIP2 is well suited for both small and large-scale production volume components. The firm has extensive experience working with titanium, nickel-based, and shape memory alloy systems in a variety of industries including aerospace, motorsports, sporting goods, oil and gas exploration and drilling, and nuclear power generation. Part sizes can range from less than 100 grams to several thousand pounds.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Over 50M
VC funded?
Publicly Traded
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2014 1 Navy $79,932
Project Title: Near-Net Shape Lightweight Titanium Wheeled Hubs

Key People / Management

  Tom Hill -- Founder; Chief Executive Officer

  Eric Bono

  Michael Brady -- Executive Vice President

  Brian Harris -- Chief Financial Officer

  Doug Rauh -- Chief Operating Officer

  Fred C Yolton

Company News

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