Near-Net Shape Lightweight Titanium Wheeled Hubs
Award last edited on: 11/1/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Fred C Yolton

Company Information

Summit Materials LLC (AKA: Summit Materials Inc)

1801 California Street Suite 3500
Denver, CO 80202
   (303) 893-0012
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Denver

Phase I

Contract Number: M67854-14-C-6522
Start Date: 1/15/2014    Completed: 11/14/2014
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The objective of the proposed program is to use advance manufacturing processes, to form near-net shaped (NNS) titanium wheeled hubs for tactical vehicles. Three manufacturing routes will be investigated including casting and two powder metallurgy processes based on Summit Materials Shaped Hot Isostatic Pressed Process (SHIP2). Physical work will be accompanied by numerical analysis of both the manufacturing processes as well as the actual component structure in use to ensure acceptable design and economic advantages. The projected 40% weight savings will exceed the stated 35% goal of the project. By combining the proposed material and manufacturing processes, this projects advantages include: (1) improved strength-to-weight ratio, (2) manufacturability consistency, (3) superb corrosion resistance, (4) increased maintainability, (5) improved costs, and (6) consistent availability.

The anticipated benefits of this research and development work include: * full development of a manufacturing process to produce forged-quality components in a more efficient and cost effective manner * reduce the number of components that must be inventoried by reducing part counts of complex assemblies * decrease the need for corrosion maintenance by using materials that are immune to corrosion * allow for design changes without the need to acquire new and expensive stamping or forging tooling

Potential Commercial Applications:
* wheels for commercial off-road and racing vehicles * by proving out the process on this SBIR, it will open up complex aerospace and oil & gas components

titanium, titanium, near-net shape, Powder metallurgy, Wheel

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount