Company Profile

Strad Corporation
Profile last edited on: 7/25/17      CAGE: 54CT3      UEI: NPKCDP9KPRK3

Business Identifier: Signal processing solutions to challenging problems in surveillance systems and sensing applications
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

141 Providence Road Suite 150
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
   (919) 858-6383
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Orange

Public Profile

Engaging technology developed at, and licensed from Duke, STRAD’s primary technical focus is the development of signal processing technology for surveillance and sensing applications. The firm's approach emphasizes the coupling of physical models, e.g. from electromagnetics or acoustics, with novel statistical signal processing methods to solve challenging real-world sensing problems. Set up to take ideas from inception, mathematical analysis and computer simulation through to rapid prototyping and verification testing, STRAD radar projects aredesigned to address problems in clutter mitigation, target height-finding, tracking, and geo-location. In the sonar area, the firm is addessing development of non-traditional approaches for submarine surveillance

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2011 1 AF $99,999
Project Title: Simultaneous Tracking and Ionospheric Model Estimation for NG OTHR
2010 2 AF $830,814
Project Title: Robust Wideband Aircraft Altitude Estimation for Over-the-Horizon HF Radar

Key People / Management

  Granger Hickman -- President

  Andrew Harms

  Jeffrey Krolik

  Michael Papazoglou

  Jason Yu

Company News

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