Company Profile

Stilman Advanced Strategies LLC (AKA: STILMAN)
Profile last edited on: 11/7/2018      CAGE: 1Q2M8      UEI: KG5YKVBV5UW9

Business Identifier: Mathematical expression of human thought.
Year Founded
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Location Information

501 South Cherry Street Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80246
   (303) 717-2110
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Denver

Public Profile

Stilman Advanced Strategies, LLC, is organized around the highly challanging endeavor of trying to achieve - through a process defined as Linguistic Geometry - a mathematical definition of the human thought process employed to solve problems. Employing chess as an example of such an activity, the approach is somehow to map the relationships between the issues at play in any domain.

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Key People / Management

  Boris Stilman -- President

  Oleg Umanskiy -- Chief Software Architect

  Vladimir Yakhnis -- VP Science & Technology

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