Company Profile

Spectrohm Inc
Profile last edited on: 9/27/2022      CAGE: 887C6      UEI: NG17KJPNGWJ1

Business Identifier: Next generation internal imaging for security, medicine, and inspection
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

7921 Jones Branch Drive Suite 200
Mclean, VA 22102
   (703) 213-5420
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Fairfax

Public Profile

Spectrohm Inc is structured around development of inspection system technology using radio waves safely to see inside of packages, luggage, or cargo to identify threats and hazards. The company's technology can identify threat materials by their radio light color, empowering artificial intelligence to identify materials previously indistinguishable with X-ray alone, helping to make security screening and inspection safer, faster, and more accurateHarnessing radio frequencies to map the internal structure of people, packages, and objects without the hazards of X-rays, cost of MRI, or physical contact of ultrasound, Spectrohm is usefully understood as the next generation of internal imaging for security, medicine, and inspection. In contrast to X-rays or ultrasound that measure primarily degrees of density, Spectrohm's technology can see “in color” by imaging the distinct electrical properties of different materials—including different kinds of tissues within the body.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 2 DHS $1,143,407
Project Title: High Throughput Non-Ionizing Contraband Screening with Transmission Line Tomography
2022 2 AF $799,823
Project Title: Detecting Threat Liquids with Radio Frequency Screening
2021 2 AF $799,307
Project Title: Radio Frequency Imaging for Security and EOD Operations

Key People / Management

  Timothy Cargol -- Founder & CEO

  Leo Ludwick -- Director of Engineering

  Ted Markson -- Contracting Engineer

Company News

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