Company Profile

Soraa Inc (AKA: SJS Technology Inc)
Profile last edited on: 4/20/2023      CAGE: 534A1      UEI: PZ7CGJJR58C5

Business Identifier: LED lighting; GaN lighting; blue lasers
Year Founded
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Latest Award
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Location Information

6500 Kaiser Drive
Fremont, CA 94555
   (510) 456-2200
Location: Single
Congr. District: 15
County: Alameda

Public Profile

Soraa, Inc., formerly known as SJS Technology, Inc. is a semiconconductor company specializing in LED technology. Soraa's core product is the GaN LED developed by one of the founders of the firm - Nobel laureate Shuji Nakamura (Physics 2014). Soraa's products offer superior performance, color, and beam characteristics to competing LEDs. The breakthrough technolgoy Soraa employes involves growing GaN crystals on a native substrate (GaN on GaN LEDs). This is contrasted with traditional methods which grow GaN crystals on non-native substrates. By using native substrates, Soraa is able to manufacture LEDs that produce more light per area of LED and are cheaper than competing products. Soraa's products are now used throughout the world in any application where reliable lighting is required.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Over 50M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2014 1 DOE $225,000
Project Title: Low-Cost GaN Substrates
2013 2 NSF $1,147,934
Project Title: High quality, low cost bulk gallium nitride substrates
2013 2 Navy $647,994
Project Title: Compact, Efficient, High Power Semiconductor Laser for Undersea Communication
2012 2 DOE $900,000
Project Title: Large-Area Semipolar Ammonothermal GaN Substrates for High-Power LEDs
2011 1 AF $100,000
Project Title: Solvothermal growth of low-defect-density gallium nitride substrates

Key People / Management

  Eric B Kim -- former President

  Jeffery Parker -- CEO

  Nahid Afshar -- Vp Global Manufacturing Engineering & Quality

  Tom Caulfield -- President and COO

  Mark P D'evelyn

  Steven P Denbaars -- Founder

  Daniel Feezell

  Mike R Krames -- CTO

  Shuji Nakamura -- Founder

  James W Raring