Company Profile

Softronics Limited
Profile last edited on: 10/30/18      CAGE: 1WPG3      UEI: QZ6XND8TKA76

Business Identifier: Radio systems
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

1080 East Post Road Suite 1
Marion, IA 52302
   (319) 447-1446
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Linn

Public Profile

Softronics Ltd. is engaged in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art electronic equipment and systems for both commercial and government markets, specializing in radio systems for any application. The firm's portfolio of products and services includes: *Design and manufacture of high frequency radio (up to 18 GHz) and digital products and systems, *Design of software for Microchip PIC processors to Microsoft operating systems and Linux, *Design of DSP software for a variety of host systems, *Rapid prototyping for fast, one-of-a-kind or first-time sample products, *Consulting engineering for proposals, marketing studies, and business plans, *Engineering and technical services for planning, design reviews, factory and field troubleshooting, installation, and repair, *Outdoor antenna range measurement services (30 MHz - 18 GHz)

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Key People / Management

  Robert H Sternowski -- President

  Timothy J Busch

  Jim McDowell -- Director of Business Development

  Benjamin Mosier

  Phillip Rezin

  Kristin Schader -- Vice President

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