Company Profile

Simwright Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/5/2014      CAGE: 09SC9      UEI:

Business Identifier: image processing and software development for remotely sensed data.
Year Founded
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Location Information

2053 Fountain Professional Court Suite A
Navarre, FL 32566
   (850) 939-8707
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Santa Rosa

Public Profile

With facilities in TN, NC, FL, and AL, Simwright Inc develops software tools to enable rapid development of visual simulations. SimWright is an image processing and software development firm dedicated to maximizing the uses for remotely sensed data. SimWright’s software applications optimize the geospatial feature data that can be derived from existing imagery. StereoGIS™ allows an agency to perform accurate 2D/3D planimetric feature extraction and digital elevation modeling in house. Spidar ™ allows geospecific 3D visual modeling and texturing of cultural features within a stereo image. SimWright uses these tools and others to provide quality, cost effective services in feature extraction, ortho-photo production, airport planning, airport layout plans, crop damage assessment, and GIS web application development.

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Key People / Management

  Kerry D Christopher -- President

  Kerry D Christopher

  Lonnie P Hearne

  Eric D Lester

  Dan Matthews

  Norman Daniel Matthews

  Brian Stewart

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