The complexity and speed of operations combating insurgents employing asymmetric tactics requires coordinated sensing, collaboration, and targeting to attack terrorists who may be fleeing a scene to find sanctuary in schools or mosques. High level military strategists realize the need for a more rapid strike capability and lower cost smart weaponry for precision strikes. Insurgents are using increasingly sophisticated, Camouflaged, Concealment and Deception (CC&D) tactics within urban settings, requiring increased dependence on multispectral surveillance sensing to discriminate and identify enemy combatants SimWright Inc proposes a multispectral camera pod/ inertial navigation system solution, to link platforms, the TACs/ War Operations and ground troops together. In Phase II, a prototype camera system capable of stereoscopic imagery capture coupled with real-time direct georeferencing would provide a system for low cost point mensuration capability. The goal is to produce a DPPDB-like product in real-time and provide accurate orthomosaics.
Benefits: A successful implementation of this proposal will result in an extremely accurate attitude determination capability. That coupled with a calibrated camera system and tie-point algorithms applied to stereo mensuration determination would provide a real-time precision targeting system. The commercial application of this capability would be considered a highly disruptive technology to the commercial photogrammetric business space.
Keywords: Target Mensuration, Targeting, Orthomosaic, Mosaic, Imagery, Uav, Direct Georeferencing