Company Profile

Simulation Technologies Inc (AKA: SimTech)
Profile last edited on: 8/7/2019      CAGE: 6W917      UEI: TNPCRLHGD9N6

Business Identifier: Aviation and aeronautical engineering
Year Founded
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Location Information

5021 Bradford Drive Suite 145
Huntsville, AL 35805
   (256) 722-2081
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Madison

Public Profile

SimTech provides radar scene generation and infrared modeling, analysis and engineering support for real-time, hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) and digital simulations. SimTech engineers and analysts are expert in the use of Xpatch for radar signature modeling and PRISM, OSC, SPIRITS, and IRMA for various aspects of infrared signature modeling.The ability to develop geometry models with texture mapping for visualization and IR scene generation has been proven successful. Their design of the DigitalQuadrature Modulator (DQM) for use in radar signal generation is now incorporated into four of the AMCOM HWIL simulation facilities.They develop PC-based tools in Visual C++ for data analysis packages, real-time fly-outs, geometry visualizations, and validation tools. SimTech has developed hundreds of polarization- and aspect-dependent radar multiscatterer models for simulation of aircraft, missile and ground vehicle targets. SimTech is providing radar scene models for the following programs (Joint Common Missile, Longbow, THAAD, PAC-3, Eagle Eyes, GMD and MRM.)At the AMCOM Radio Frequency Simulation System facility, also known as RFSS, our target, blade modulation, clutter, chaff, and multipath models have been used in developing ECM techniques for many RF surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles.

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Key People / Management

  Annie V Saylor -- President

  Brian Burris

  CJ Feaux

  Jody S Loyd

  Dwight A McPherson -- former President- Chair of the board

  Sutton O'Neal -- Vice President

  Jama Pruitt

  Robert Youngren -- Senior Software Engineer

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