Company Profile

Sentel Corporation
Profile last edited on: 6/26/18      CAGE: 0HUZ5      UEI: EK2CM5J7DWM8

Business Identifier: Engineering, information technology, intelligence, and logistics support solutions
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

1101 King Street Suite 550
Alexandria, VA 22314
   (703) 739-0084
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 08
County: Alexandria city

Public Profile

In January of 2018, Sentel Corporation was acquired by government services company Vectrus for $36M. Sentel provides engineering, information technology, intelligence, and logistics support solutions to the federal government, military, and commercial enterprises in the United States and internationally. Sentel's diverse range of offerings includes software engineering and information technology, force protection, test engineering, electromagnetics and spectrum engineering, intelligence support, and logistics support services. Its products include the Cerberus security sensor mobile tower, which provides multi-dimensional and networked perimeter/border security, border control, and 360-degree coverage of campus areas and building approaches; electronic portable information collection systems to streamline document conversion and storage for concurrent database access, distribution, and storage; and remote data relay solutions that integrate remotely located sensors into a network. The company also provides a forward error correction solution that eliminates the effects of nearby radars, improves reception in weak signal areas, and has applications in various television receivers. Other products include the Joint Terrain Analysis Program, an application to create interactive radio frequency coverage plots for communications and radar equipment through the use of digital terrain and elevation data.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Over 50M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2011 1 Navy $79,999
Project Title: Consolidated Apertures with Co-site Interference Reduction in the Frequency Range 2 to 30 MHz
2005 2 Navy $1,143,358
Project Title: Broadband Antenna and Radio Frequency (RF) Distribution Technologies
2002 1 NIH $100,000
Project Title: A Device to Treat Bradykinesia in Parkinson's Disease
1994 2 NASA $648,682
Project Title: Test, Control, and Monitoring System Wireless Information Network
1993 1 Navy $47,800
Project Title: Inter-Service Voice Communications Model

Key People / Management

  Darrell Crapps -- President and CEO

  Marion Alexander -- Vice President, JSC Spectrum Engineering

  Raymond E Babineau Jr -- Vice President, Technology Integration Group

  James F Garrett

  Phillip E Gesotti

  Theodore L Harwood II -- Vice President, Advanced Development Group

  Edward H Kelly -- Vice President, Test and Acquisition Engineering Group

  Mike Maiuzzo

  Robert Provost

  Richard A Rider

  Roger Schultz -- Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

  William L Schummer

  John Smith

  Michael Smith -- Vice President, Sensor Technology Group