Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is a major concern for all types of communications systems. Cosite EMI, in which collocated systems are the primary source of EMI, demands much consideration because of the high power levels received due to low isolation between the transmit and receive antennas. To compound the problem, there is also a severe lack of available topside real estate on Navy ships. This not only inhibits the possibility of relocating antennas to optimize isolation, but also drives the need for decreasing the number of antennas required for communications. The Radio Frequency Distribution System (RFDS) designed for operating in the High Frequency (HF) band with limited isolation and fewer antennas also aims to increase communications capabilities.
Benefit: Collocated same-band HF systems will be able to function through their full range of intended operations without interference.
Keywords: CLIC CLAC SCU Hardware, CLIC CLAC SCU Hardware, Advanced RF Distribution System, Co-site EMI reduction, , HFRG Replacement