Company Profile

RSK Assessments Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/16/2024      CAGE: 1EMS8      UEI: HBMNV1JSEXP1

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
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Location Information

4401 East Colonial Drive Suite 105
Orlando, FL 32803
   (407) 894-5090
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Orange

Public Profile

RSK Assessments is a small research firm located in the heart of Central Florida. We conduct laboratory and field studies in the areas of Human Factors Engineering, Forensics Psychology, Human Testing and Performance Measurement, Environmental Stress, Safety, and Accident Reconstruction. We also develop and distribute multiple paper and pencil and computerized psychological test batteries in the areas of cognitive performance, temporal factors, motion and simulator sickness assessment. Our scientists hold advanced degrees in Human Factors Psychology, Industrial Engineering, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Technology Management and Business Administration.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2008 1 Navy $69,780
Project Title: Simulator Sickness Counter Measures
2003 2 OSD $474,835
Project Title: Field-Practical Automated Battery for Assessing and Monitoring Cognitive
2003 2 NASA $670,000
Project Title: Reducing Symptomatology of Space Adaptation Syndrome through Perceptual Training
2002 1 NIH $99,893
Project Title: Motion and Sleep: Neuropsychology and Biomarkers
2002 1 NASA $69,914
Project Title: Motion Sickness and Simulator Sickness: A Hand-Held Computerized Prediction Tool

Key People / Management

  Robert S Kennedy -- President

  Robert C Kennedy

Company News

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