Field-Practical Automated Battery for Assessing and Monitoring Cognitive
Award last edited on: 6/4/2004

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert S Kennedy

Company Information

RSK Assessments Inc

4401 East Colonial Drive Suite 105
Orlando, FL 32803
   (407) 894-5090
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Orange

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) intends "to develop and validate a field-practical, cognitive readines assessment battery validated for use within information-rich and high stress environments." To this end, we propose in Phase I to evaluate current cognitive assessment tools, identify theoretical and practical frameworks, and submit each to a set of criteria for inclusion in the final battery. Building upon the most valid cognitive assessment tools, we will also evaluate both high-level memory tests and noninvasive physiological measures for inclusion in order to better assess a war-fighter's situational awareness of the operational environment. Efforts will be directed as well toward developing and programming a field-ready computer with effective administrative procedures, usable displays, and rapid reporting capabilities. We intend to coordinate Phase I efforts with key cognitive researchers within the DoD and other subject matter experts. In Phase II, we will further develop the standardized assessment program by addressing research and methodological questions regarding cognitive readiness and technical questions concerning implementation of a field-practical automated tool. We will test it within digitized scenarios and urban environments using a consortium of military agencies, academia, and industry to conduct collaborative research investigations. A computerized hand-held self-administering performance readiness measurement system which provides stable data over repeated measures would have many uses as a human "dosimeter" or "assay" to screen employees for a jub function where safety or work quality may be critiical. Additionally, a cognitive readiness battery employing job samples would be useful in many places in the private sector and certain industries (e.g., trucks, aviation, farming) where fatigue is experienced, environmental agents occur and safety issues are factors of interest. Relatedly, the same performance testing technology could be used in research into selection, classification, rehabilitation from injury, memory, and cognition, environmental stress, psychological stress, and toxic agents.

Stress Testing, Cognitive Assessment, Cognitive Readiness, Repeated Measures, Warrior Readiness, Computerized Testing, Human Performance, Envir

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
As the personnel demands of a more complex Soldier System increase due to changing operational requirements and advances in technology, measurement and evaluation of performance within these systems becomes vital to ensure cost-effective, combat-effective function of the system (de Pontbriand et al., 2001). The proposed research initially aims to evaluate current cognitive assessment tools, identify theoretical and practical frameworks, and submit each to a set of criteria for inclusion in Phase II research. Then, we will develop, test, and validate a battery of cognitive/visual/physiological tests to assess cognitive readiness in a variety or applications. To better assess a war-fighter's cognitive readiness, as well as the implementation of a field-practical automated tool, we will coordinate Phase II efforts with key cognitive researchers within the DoD and other federal (NASA, FAA, NIOSH, NHTSA) subject matter experts. We will conduct experimental studies using both civilian and military personnel resulting in the development of a field-ready assessment device which will a) require no equipment addition for soldier, b) utilize computerized off the shelf (COTS) software compatibility, c) employ low power programming, d) employ dose equivalency scoring algorithms e) assess dynamic vision prior to cognitive readiness. A computerized, self-administering performance readiness measurement system which provides stable, real time clinical reports over repeated measures would have many uses as a human "dosimeter" or "assay" to screen soldiers, and other employees for a job function where safety or work quality may be critical. Additionally, a cognitive readiness battery employing job samples would be useful in many places in the private sector and certain industries (e.g., trucks, airport security, aviation, farming) where fatigue is experienced, environmental agents occur and safety issues are factors of interest. Relatedly, the same performance testing technology could be used in research into selection, classification and rehabilitation from injury, memory, and cognition, environmental stress, psychological stress, and toxic agents.

stress testing, cognitive assessment, cognitive readiness, repeated measures, warrior readiness, computerized testing, human performance