Company Profile

Picosys Inc (AKA: Invenios Inc)
Profile last edited on: 11/2/16      CAGE: 3VSC9      UEI:

Business Identifier: Microfluidic gene-sequencing chips and medical devices
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Popularity Index
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Location Information

320 North Nopal Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
   (805) 962-3333
Location: Single
Congr. District: 24
County: Santa Barbara

Public Profile

Doing business as Picosys and as Invenios, the latter works in the design and manufacture of microfluidic gene-sequencing chips and medical devices. The breakthrough work patented by Invenios around Ambient Temperature Bonding, ATB equipment provides permanent bonding solutions with a wide range of different and incompatible materials (glass, silicon, plastic, III-V, ceramics, metals). This capacity makes it possible to bond materials with mismatched CTE’s or thermally sensitive materials, enabling customers with new material choices and enhanced product capabilities. ALl the firm's SBIR awards were awarded to the same indiividual who left the firm in 2004

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2004 1 AF $99,898
Project Title: Measurement of Angular Valve Displacement in High Vibration Environments
2003 1 NSF $99,700
Project Title: A Flexible "Human-in-the-Loop" Microsystem Assembly Platform
2003 1 NSF $99,553
Project Title: A Direct-Write Probe Card Fabrication Process

Key People / Management

  Ray Karam -- President

  Richard J Casler -- Former VP Business Dvelopment

  John Craig -- VP, Software Development

  Ken Richards -- VP, Finance

  Don Wood -- Director, Manufacturing

Company News

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