Company Profile

Photosound Technologies Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/2/2018      CAGE: 7FT76      UEI: EHS5G1FNK5A8

Business Identifier: Photoacoustic, optoacoustic, and thermoacoustic imaging and detection methods
Year Founded
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Location Information

9511 Town Park Drive
Houston, TX 77036
   (409) 256-0331
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Harris

Public Profile

PhotoSound Technologies Inc. specializes in biomedical applications of photoacoustic imaging - collective term to include photoacoustic, optoacoustic and thermoacoustic imaging and detection methods, Designed for high throughput imaging of small animal biomedical models (mice and rats). the system fits on a standard lab bench. Light-tight, interlocked enclosure allows for safe operation without the need for laser safety equipment while the status of the scanned live object can be monitored using the built in camera. The system can be customized and is available iconfigured as an ??Photoacoustic/ Fluorescence imager or Photoacoustic/ Fluorescence with tunable OPO Ph

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Sergey A Ermilov -- Founder and CEO

  Hans-Peter Brecht -- COO

  Vassili Ivanov -- CTO

  Mark Little -- Director of Business Development

  Ella Mahon -- Accounting

  Ella Mahon -- Accounting

Company News

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