Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Platform for Detection and Quantification of Early Metastasis
Award last edited on: 2/27/19

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Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Sergey A Ermilov

Company Information

Photosound Technologies Inc

9511 Town Park Drive
Houston, TX 77036
   (409) 256-0331
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Harris

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R43CA224824-01
Start Date: 4/13/18    Completed: 3/31/19
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Metastases of tumors are associated with more than 90% of cancer deaths. Despite years of therapeutic development, mortality has improved only incrementally by few months at best. The preclinical development phase for modern metastatics currently misses critical quantitative information on metastatic progression. Multi-point in vivo observation of early metastasis and quantitative assessment of its development would enable unprecedented precision of longitudinal control. PhotoSound Technologies, Inc. proposes a novel platform for in vivo molecular imaging that addresses the critical barrier in quantitative preclinical imaging of metastasis via contrasted dual-modality 3D imaging approach. The proposed project promises to enable in vivo quantification of numbers and volumes of early metastatic tumors, which is critical for preclinical development of future anti-metastatics. The platform integrates a 3D photoacoustic tomography into a multi-modality imaging platform with a coregistered 3D fluorescence unit (PAFT) and a switchable optical nanoprobe targeted to the studied metastatic cells. The nanoprobe has capability to activate optical and fluorescence contrasts upon external illumination with safe levels of pulsed laser radiation, and it was designed to maximize benefits of dual-modality PAFT imaging. The fluorescence imaging component of PAFT is used to boost detection sensitivity by providing low-resolution spatial constraint for the distribution of activated nanoprobes, which are then precisely mapped in 3D by photoacoustic imaging component. The ultimate objective is to maintain the molecular sensitivity of state-of-the-art fluorescence techniques, while boosting spatial resolution of the detected metastasis 10-fold. Current trends on $1.5B market of in vivo small animal imaging favor commercial introduction of the proposed multi-modal imaging platform, which is designed for table-top application and has a 3D anatomical reference component implemented through a photoacoustic unit. PAFT could be also used as a universal instrument for 3D functional imaging of volumetric blood content and oxygenation without a need for any contrast agent, imaging of various NIR absorbing probes and bioluminescent cells. Such versatility would be attractive for Animal Research Facilities engaged in a broad spectrum of fundamental and preclinical imaging studies. Phase I project will demonstrate feasibility for the PAFT-nanoprobe imaging platform to detect and quantify early metastasis in a preclinical murine model. The focus of Phase II will be the development of a commercial imaging platform that is optimized to monitor the in vivo effects of anti-metastatic therapies. When our system is benchmarked against the current standards of optical imaging, we expect to find a 10x increase in spatial resolution enabling detection of metastases separated by only 0.5 mm, as well as quantitative assessment of individual tumor volumes.

Project Terms:
absorption; Address; Advanced Development; Anatomy; Animal Cancer Model; animal imaging; Animal Model; Animals; Area; base; Benchmarking; Blood; cancer cell; Cancer Control; Cells; Cessation of life; cohort; Contrast Media; design; Detection; Development; Dyes; efficacy evaluation; experimental study; Fluorescence; fluorescence imaging; Fluorocarbons; Functional Imaging; Funding; Future; high throughput screening; human model; Image; imaging approach; Imaging Device; imaging modality; imaging platform; imaging study; Imaging Techniques; improved; In Vitro; in vivo; in vivo monitoring; Incubated; Individual; Indocyanine Green; Institutes; instrument; Interview; Intravenous; Label; Laboratory Animal Production and Facilities; Lasers; Lesion; Letters; Light; Lighting; Malignant Neoplasms; Maps; Methodology; Modality; Modeling; Modernization; Molecular; Molecular Conformation; molecular imaging; Molecular Target; Monitor; Morphology; mortality; mouse model; Multimodal Imaging; nanoDroplet; nanoprobe; Neoplasm Metastasis; Noise; non-invasive imaging; novel; optical imaging; optical switch; Optics; optoacoustic tomography; Performance; Phase; Phase Transition; photoacoustic imaging; Physiologic pulse; pre-clinical; pre-clinical research; preclinical development; prototype; research and development; Resolution; response; Sampling; Sensitivity and Specificity; Specificity; System; targeted delivery; Techniques; Technology; therapeutic development; Three-Dimensional Image; Three-Dimensional Imaging; Time; Tissues; trend; tumor; tumor microenvironment; Tumor Volume; Universities; Yang;

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount