Company Profile

Phoenicia BioSciences Inc (AKA: Gene Regulation Laboratories)
Profile last edited on: 2/17/22      CAGE: 4XH94      UEI: NPAHDFK9M323

Business Identifier: Small molecules targeting specific genes for treatment of serious hematologic disorders
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

45 Beaver Road
Weston, MA 02493
   (617) 335-7002
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

In receipt of SBIR dollars until 2017 but with website no longer accessible, in a published article by tow of the firm's lead players, Phoenicia BioSciences was described as functioning as a virtual corporation developing therapeutics for hematology-oncology conditions. In the Fall 2018, it was reported that a product was ready to enter clinical trials - reactivation of normal but silenced genes to replace the function of abnormal genes. The firm's lead therapy was described as repurposing of a commercial product in this new indication, with a greatly reduced development path with other products target ing established mechanisms. It was fyrther noted that initiation of a trial in patients was targeted to begin in Q1 2019.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2017 2 NIH $1,280,486
Project Title: Virus-Targeted Therapy for Malignancies
2015 2 NIH $1,304,336
Project Title: In Vivo Studies of Clinical Stage Globin Modulators
2013 1 NIH $219,306
Project Title: Topical Therapeutic to Promote Healing of Chronic Wounds
2012 1 NIH $491,254
Project Title: Next Generation Therapeutics for Hemoglobinopathies
2010 1 NIH $350,566
Project Title: Oral Agents to Stimulate Neutrophil Production

Key People / Management

  Susan P Perrine -- President; Chief Medical Officer

  Thomas Dahl -- Chief Executive Officer

  Douglas V Faller -- Executive Vice-President, Oncology Programs; Chairman, Phoenicia Scientific Advi

  George Hillman -- Chief Business Officer

  John D Schindler -- Vice President, Clinical & Regulatory Affairs

  Jason Walsh -- Chief Financial Officer

Company News

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