Development of a Clinical Hemoglobin Modulator
Award last edited on: 5/14/20

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Principal Investigator
Susan P Perrine

Company Information

Phoenicia BioSciences Inc (AKA: Gene Regulation Laboratories)

45 Beaver Road
Weston, MA 02493
   (617) 335-7002

Research Institution

University of Oklahoma Health Science Center

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R41HL110727-01
Start Date: 9/1/11    Completed: 8/31/12
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Inherited disorders which decrease production or alter structure of the 2-chain of hemoglobin A (2-thalassemias or sickle cell disease) are among the most common monogenic diseases in the world, afflicting millions worldwide, and are designated by WHO as a global health burden. Fetal hemoglobin (HbF: 12, 32) is another type of hemoglobin which is present in all humans, but is normally suppressed in infancy to levels below 2%. Decades of biochemical, clinical, and epidemiologic research have shown that any incremental increase in HbF reduces the severity of sickle cell disease, or reduces the life-threatening anemia of 2-thalassemia. Pharmacologic augmentation of fetal hemoglobin (3-globin chain) production, to replace the defective or missing 2-globin chains, is established as a therapeutic modality. A small panel of therapeutic agents of different chemical classes can induce HbF experimentally, and a few have been tested clinically. Classes of agents shown to induce HbF in sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia include: cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents (such as hydroxyurea (HU), 5-azacytidine, and decitabine), short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and derivatives (SCFADs), and some HDAC inhibitors. Some have shown proof-of-principle in reducing hospitalizations and transfusion dependency, but, except for HU, require parenteral administration or large doses, or are cytotoxic and mutagenic, and have not proven suitable for broad application. Further, any new chemical entities require costly toxicology and development costs for FDA approval. We recently developed and utilized a novel high-throughput screening program to interrogate a chemical library of drugs which are already FDA-approved for other conditions, and identified a select panel of novel, and previously unrecognized potent HbF-inducing drugs some of which have benign safety profiles. The activity was validated in a secondary gene assays, erythroid cell culture, and in a pilot study in baboons. This proposal is to confirm and compare the efficacy of 3 candidate HbF-inducers in a nonhuman primate model which has been predictive of subsequent human responses for other drugs. This will allow selection of a therapeutic for rapid clinical application. Our Aims include: Aim I: To determine comparative in vivo activity of the candidate therapeutics in anemic nonhuman primates. Aim II: To prepare a medicinal formulation of the selected therapeutic

Public Health Relevance:
This proposal will evaluate three therapeutics for a new medical use in an animal model that simulates sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia, serious blood diseases worldwide. The therapeutics are already approved for other conditions. Upon completion of the proposed studies, the most potent agent can be tested in the patient populations, and a new therapy can be rapidly applied to patient care.

Thesaurus Terms:
2'-Deoxy-5-Azacytidine;21+ Years Old;4-Amino-1-Beta-D-Ribofuranosyl-1,3,5-Triazin-2(1h)-One;5 Azc;5-Ac;5-Aza-2'deoxycytidine/Decitabine;5-Aza-2-Deoxycytidine;5-Aza-Cytidine;5-Azacytidine;5-Azadeoxycytidine;5-Deoxyazacytidine;Azc;Adult;Adult Human;Affect;Anemia;Animal Model;Animal Models And Related Studies;Assay;Azacitidine;Azacytidine;B-Thalassemia;Baboons;Benign;Bioassay;Biochemical;Biologic Assays;Biological Assay;Blood Diseases;Cell Culture Techniques;Chemicals;Clinical;Decitabine;Deoxyazacytidine;Dependency;Dependency (Psychology);Development;Dezocitidine;Disease;Disorder;Dose;Drug Formulations;Drugs;Epidemiologic Research;Epidemiologic Studies;Epidemiological Studies;Epidemiology Research;Erythroid Cells;Fda Approved;Fetal Hemoglobin;Formulation;Genes;Genetic Alteration;Genetic Change;Genetic Condition;Genetic Diseases;Genetic Defect;Globin;Hdac Agent;Hdac Inhibitor;Hb Ss Disease;Hbss Disease;Hematologic Diseases;Hematological Disease;Hematological Disorder;Hemoglobin;Hemoglobin A;Hemoglobin F;Hemoglobin S Disease;Hemoglobin Sickle Cell Disease;Hemoglobin Sickle Cell Disorder;Hereditary Disease;High Throughput Assay;Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor;Hospitalization;Human;Hydroxycarbamid;Hydroxycarbamide;Inborn Genetic Diseases;Inherited Disorder;Libraries;Life;Man (Taxonomy);Medical;Medication;Modality;Modeling;Modern Man;Molecular Disease;Mutation;Oral;Papio;Papios;Patient Care;Patient Care Delivery;Pharmaceutic Preparations;Pharmaceutical Preparations;Pilot Projects;Production;Promoter;Promoters (Genetics);Promotor;Promotor (Genetics);Reporter;Safety;Savanna Baboons;Severities;Short-Chain Fatty Acids;Sickle Cell;Sickle Cell Anemia;Simulate;Staging;Structure;Syndrome;Trnsf;Testing;Thalassemia;Therapeutic;Therapeutic Agents;Toxicology;Transfusion;Volatile Fatty Acids;Adult Human (21+);Adulthood;Beta Thalassemia;Blood Disorder;Cell Culture;Chemical Library;Chemotherapeutic Agent;Clinical Applicability;Clinical Application;Comparative;Comparative Efficacy;Compare Efficacy;Cost;Cytotoxic;Developmental;Disease/Disorder;Drepanocyte;Drug/Agent;Emotional Dependency;Epidemiologic Investigation;Fetal Globin;Genetic Disorder;Genome Mutation;Global Health;Hereditary Disorder;High Throughput Screening;Hydroxy-Urea;Hydroxyurea;In Vivo;Inborn Error;Infancy;Infantile;Ladakamycin;Model Organism;Non-Human Primate;Nonhuman Primate;Novel;P-Globin;P-Thalassemia;Patient Population;Pilot Study;Pre-Clinical;Preclinical;Programs;Response;Safety Testing;Sickle Rbc;Sickle Cell Disease;Sickle Disease;Sickle Erythrocyte;Sickle Red Blood Cell;Sicklemia;Sickling;Small Molecule Libraries;Success;Therapeutic Target

Phase II

Contract Number: 2R42HL110727-02
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2015)
Phase II Amount

The ¿-thalassemias and sickle cell disease are serious genetic blood diseases, which are WHO- designated as a growing global health burden. The disorders decrease production or alter structure of the b-chain of adult hemoglobin A and are characterized by anemia, chronic organ damage, and early mortality. HbF is another type of normal hemoglobin which is suppressed in infancy. Decades of research have shown that any incremental increase in HbF reduces the severity of sickle cell disease and the life-threatening anemia of b-thalassemia. Pharmacologic augmentation of fetal hemoglobin (g-globin chain) production, to replace the defective or missing b-globin chains, is accepted as a therapeutic modality. Only one therapeutic, hydroxyurea, is approved for sickle cell disease, and no definitive therapeutic agent is approved for beta thalassemia. Additional HbF- inducing therapies are needed. We utilized a novel high-throughput screening program to interrogate a library of drugs which are already EMEA or FDA-approved for other medical conditions, and identified a panel of previously unrecognized potent HbF-inducing drugs. HbF-inducing activity was validated in a secondary reporter assays, in patients' erythroid progenitors, and 3 lead therapeutics were evaluated in baboons on our Phase I STTR grant. This primate model has been predictive of subsequent human responses for other drugs. One therapeutic, Benserazide, was particularly intriguing in inducing high-level fetal globin, by 33-fold over baseline, with brif treatment in the baboon. We found the drug suppresses two components of a major repressor complex of the fetal hemoglobin gene. The drug has been used for 3 decades in Europe and Canada as a PK enhancer of levodopa for treatment of Parkinson's disease, and has a benign safety profile. Accordingly, we propose to repurpose Benserazide for treatment the beta hemoglobinopathies. Our Aims include: Aim I: Determine an optimal dosing regimen of Benserazide for inducing sustained HbF in vivo in anemic nonhuman primates Aim II: Produce a formulation suitable for a dose-ranging trial in hemoglobinopathy patients Aim III: Obtain a US IND to evaluate the EU-approved therapeutic in patients with sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia

Public Health Relevance Statement:

Public Health Relevance:
This proposal will repurpose a therapeutic, which is currently approved in Canada and the EU in a combination tablet for another condition, for treatment of serious blood diseases, sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia, a WHO-designated global health burden. Dose and regimens will be optimized in a nonhuman primate model; a clinical protocol will be designed, drug formulated, and a US IND obtained. This work will enable a Canadian and EU-approved therapeutic to enter clinical trials in patients with beta hemoglobinopathies.

Project Terms:
Adolescent; Adult; Affect; Amino Acids; Anemia; Benign; Benserazide; beta Thalassemia; Biochemical; Biological Assay; Canada; Cells; Chemicals; Chronic; Clinical; Clinical Protocols; Clinical Trials; Complex; Conduct Clinical Trials; cost; Country; Development; Disease; Dose; Drug Design; Drug Formulations; Enhancers; Epidemiologic Studies; Erythroid; Erythroid Cells; Europe; FDA approved; fetal globin; Fetal Hemoglobin; Genes; Genetic; global health; Globin; Grant; Health; Hematological Disease; Hemoglobin; Hemoglobin A; Hemoglobinopathies; Hemolytic Anemia; high throughput screening; Hospitalization; Human; hydroxyurea; in vivo; infancy; Lead; Levodopa; Libraries; Life; Medical; Modality; Modeling; Mortality Vital Statistics; Mutation; Neurologic; nonhuman primate; novel; older patient; Oral; Organ; Papio; Parkinson Disease; Patients; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; pre-clinical; Primates; Production; progenitor; programs; Promotor (Genetics); Regimen; Reporter; Research; response; Safety; Severities; Sickle Cell Anemia; sickling; Small Business Technology Transfer Research; Structure; success; Syndrome; Tablets; Testing; Thalassemia; Therapeutic; Therapeutic Agents; therapeutic target; Toxicology; Transfusion; Work