optX Imaging Systems LLC develops optics and camera solutions for electro-optical and infrared imaging. The firm specializes in multi-spectral, ultra-compact, and multi-modal imaging system design for wavelengths from the UV through LWIR. optX can assist customers by developing an optical design, creating system concepts, performing a trade study, or building prototypes. Some of the firm's many capabilities in optics include: UV, Visible, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR spectral bands; Reflective, refractive, and catadioptric multi-spectral optics; Ultra-compact, lightweight optical systems; On-axis and off-axis reflective optics; Wide and narrow field of view optics; Fast f/number optics; Discreet and continuous zoom optics. In terms of sensor/camera design, optX offers: Sensor performance modeling, Sensor characterization, Future sensor concept development, Develop of enabling applications, Sensor selection for system optimization, Sensor and optics system integration, Camera development.