Optical Physics Company (OPC) was established as an outgrowth of Optical Physics Consulting whose clents had included Litton, Rockwell, Boeing, TRW and several government agencies on optical technology for many years. OPC develops and manufactures advanced optical subsystems for imaging, beam control and filtering - specializing in the development of electro-optical sensor systems covering visible to MWIR bands that combine imaging and spectroscopy, including the mechanical assembly, electronics, optics, computer interface, signal acquisition and algorithms for signal and data processing. OPC excels in developing sensors where off-the-shelf solutions do not exist. The firm's products include deformable mirrors, wavefront sensors, and an interferometric tracker. In addition to hardware solutions, OPC also offers innovative analysis and computer simulations which very often lead to state-of-the-art concept designs of new electro-optical systems. OPCÂ’s innovative technologies find niches in a number of key market segments such as aerospace, astronomy, environmental monitoring, medicine and defense.