Phase II Amount
Optical Physics Company will finalize the design, manufacture, and test at low and high power an affordable, single-aperture, targettracking, atmospheric-correction, compact prototype beam director for a High Energy Laser (HEL) weapon system to be employed by a US Navy platform during the Phase II Base, Option 1 and Option 2 programs. The compact prototype beam will meet Navy requirements include capability to handle 300 kW of HEL power, an elevation range of -30o to +80o and azimuth range of 360o, a closed loop pointing accuracy of
Benefit: High energy lasers (HEL) offer the promise of a game changer weapon as the Department of Defense encounters new asymmetric and disruptive threats. Many technical problems need to be solved before HEL weapons can be integrated onto Navy platform mast configurations. One of these issues involves building and demonstrating a compact and agile HEL beam director. Optical Physics Company (OPC) believes it will accomplish this on the Phase II program. The compact HEL 12 beam director prototype is designed to meet Navy requirements such as the capability to handle 300 kW of HEL power, an elevation range of -30o to +80o and azimuth range of 360o, a closed loop pointing accuracy of
Keywords: atmospheric compensation, Compact, single aperture, Target Tracking, thermal blooming correction and affordable, UMM conforming, HEL beam director