Company Profile

Nu-Trek Inc (AKA: Nu Trek Inc)
Profile last edited on: 9/6/2022      CAGE: 1X9M9      UEI: LH7BXAE8LE23

Business Identifier: Anti-jam solutions and IR sensors
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

16955 Via Del Campo Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92127
   (858) 487-2172
Location: Single
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Public Profile

Nu-Trek specializes in anti-jam solutions and IR sensors. The firm designs mixed signal and RF parts and sensors for use in defense and space applications. Nu-Trek's X-Jam RF front end integrated circuits (IC) have "record" dynamic range and are used in controlled reception pattern antenna (CRPA) based anti-jam solutions. This includes front ends for GPS and GNSS receivers as well as antenna electronics. Nu-Trek's digital readout integrated circuits (DORICs) are high dynamic range, high speed, or rad-hard. The firm is developing focal plane arrays (FPAs) and camera cores based on these DROICs. Applications include hostile fire indications (HFI), situation awareness in visually degraded environments (VDE), thermal sensors for seekers, satellite-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR).

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 1 MDA $154,864
Project Title: Event Based Interceptor ROIC
2022 2 DTRA $1,321,640
Project Title: Integrated Circuits
2021 1 Army $111,430
Project Title: Very Small Pixel Uncooled Longwave Read-Out Integrated Circuit for Enhanced Sensor SWAP and Range Performance
2021 1 Navy $146,500
Project Title: Fast and Efficient Read-Out for Staring Focal Plane Arrays
2020 1 AF $149,870
Project Title: Dynamic Bias APD Receiver Array

Key People / Management

  Miriam Rauch -- President and CEO

  Wais Ali

  James Asbrock

  Jim Asbrock -- Sr. Systems Engineer/ROIC Designer

  Rex Baird

  Stephen Black

  Stephen Black

  Everett Cary -- Vice President Of Operations

  Philip L Coleman

  George Davis

  Ray Eastwood

  Bernard R Gregoire

  Rob Gregoire -- Senior Engineer

  Jerry Knight

  Kyle Lyson

  Brendan O'Connor -- Vice President Of Technical Services / Chief Software Architect

  William Poland

  John E Rauch -- VP

  Shelley Rowland

  Larry Vittorini -- CTO

  Michael Wu