Structured around developing the Next Generation of video encoder technology that implements the HEVC standard (and also supports AVC/H.264), NGCodec's product line includes silicon based HEVC video decoders; HEVC/advanced video coding video encoders; and HEVC/H.265 compliance and bitsteams. The companys products primarily focus on wireless communications. It serves decoder system-on-chip (SOC), encoder field-programmable gate array, and encoder SOC markets worldwide. A recent investor (2016) is Xilinx Inc. who collaboroted with NGCodecat in important Trade setting to demonstrate H.265/HEVC video encoder IP . The NGCodec encoder IP, built with Vivado® High Level Synthesis (HLS) and Kintex® UltraScale FPGAs, targets the Data Center, Broadcast and Pro A/V markets. Having taken on a convertible note in the amount of $8M from publicly traded Xilinx (VIE:XLNX) in January 2018, in July 2019 NGCodec was aquired by that firm for an unspecified amount.