Company Profile

New Jersey Microsystems Inc (AKA: NJM Inc~Rfid Sensor Systems)
Profile last edited on: 8/15/2024      CAGE: 1DUQ4      UEI: CL3LNZ4PPCA2

Business Identifier: Professional engineering services.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

240 King Boulevard
Newark, NJ 07103
   (973) 297-1450
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Essex

Public Profile

Firm is indicated as being permanently closed. New Jersey Microsystems, Inc. has been indicated as being a specialist company supplying micro-electromechanical (MEMS) sensors/actuators and interface circuitry products, research and development in response to important military, industrial, aerospace, and medical market opportunities. The Company maintains an interdisciplinary skill capability spanning the fields of physics, chemistry, electronics, mechanical engineering and biomedical devices to continue the firms synergistic programs, in which MEMS sensors/actuators are interfaced through CMOS signal conditioning circuits developed in-house and protected with patents issued and pending. The Company owns or holds license to patents and patents pending in all of our technology focus areas. Most of the firm’s products utilize silicon wafers and manufacturing technologies compatible with existing silicon foundries. The firm possesses the capability to manufacture thousands of sensors and is able to contract out with foundries for larger quantities of sensors and/or digital integrated circuits. NJM has on-site design, prototyping and test workstation areas, while rented cleanroom facilities are used for cleanroom prototyping work.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2016 1 NASA $124,999
Project Title: Multi-Use Passive RFID Sensor Tag System for NASA
2013 2 Army $484,014
Project Title: MEMS based thermopile infrared detector array for chemical and biological sensing
2010 1 NSF $150,000
Project Title: Miniature High Performance UHF Antennas
2006 2 NSF $599,998
Project Title: RFID tags for cardiopulmonary monitoring in clinical setting
2005 2 NASA $820,000
Project Title: Wireless System for Continuous Cardiopulmonary Monitoring in a Space Environment

Key People / Management

  Frederick D Chichester -- President

  Donald E Booth -- MEMS Director

  Robert M Braun -- Vice President of Business Development

  Dadi Setiadi -- Chief Technology Officer; Manager of MEMS Design

  Chang-Qing Zhan -- Engineering Director

Company News

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