MEMS based thermopile infrared detector array for chemical and biological sensing
Award last edited on: 4/18/2019

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
William Carr

Company Information

New Jersey Microsystems Inc (AKA: NJM Inc~Rfid Sensor Systems)

240 King Boulevard
Newark, NJ 07103
   (973) 297-1450

Research Institution

North Carolina State University

Phase I

Contract Number: W911NF-11-C-0008
Start Date: 10/13/2010    Completed: 4/11/2011
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
New Jersey Microsystems proposes to develop an economical thermopile array with sensitivity maximum in the long wave infrared region (LWIR). Current infrared detectors are too expensive to be widely deployed in large numbers. The proposed MEMS technology is simpler, more manufacturable, and therefore less expensive than bolometer and ferroelectric devices with competitive D* sensitivity. The thermopile array is optimized with a detection time constant of 35 milliseconds or less permitting fast-scan response to airborne contaminates. The NJM device continues our R&D work developing highly sensitive infrared MEMS sensors and imagers. The target sensitivity level D* of 1 x 10^8 Jones for each pixel of the thermopile array is consistent with earlier MEMS infrared imaging projects at NJM producing an NETD of 10 millidegK. Based on experience gained with previous LWIR developments, the NJM team is proposing an important technology step forward beyond that developed for far infrared sensors at NJM in the past.

Thermopile, Thermocouple, Infrared Array, Chemical Detection, Infrared Spectroscopy

Phase II

Contract Number: W911NF-13-C-0007
Start Date: 1/18/2013    Completed: 1/19/2014
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
New Jersey Microsystems, Inc proposes to develop an economical thermopile array with sensitivity maximum in the long wave infrared region (LWIR). Current infrared detectors are too expensive to be widely deployed in large numbers. The proposed MEMS technology is simpler, more manufacturable, and therefore less expensive than existing bolometers and ferroelectric devices based on rare earth and non-silicon materials. The NJM thermopile detector is designed with D* sensitivity equal to or greater than the existing commercializations . The thermopile array is optimized with a detection time constant of 35 milliseconds permitting fast-scan response to airborne contaminates.

Thermopile, Seebeck Effect, Infrared