Usefully understood to be a unique and formidable private-sector, high-energy accelerator physics firm, Muons, Inc. has an experienced and talented staff accelerator scientists and engineers, and elementary-particle physicists. Princpals of the firm collaborate closely with Nine (9) National Laboratories and with Seven (7) Universities. Formed in 2002 to design the next atom smasher - the Muon Collider - the effort was (and has been) effectively to help the United States to regain the lead in the energy frontier by studying the most fundamental forces and constituents of matter. Principals of e firm have expanded from SBIR-STTR funded R&D into other topics of national and global interest, including development, design, and implementation of systems and components for discovery science, national security, medicine, energy, and environment. The team's Primary R&D Areas of technical interets include: Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) technology, a nuclear-energy technology that is fuel agnostic, and can address society's energy needs in an intrinsically safe manner. The waste stream from an ADSR is much smaller (per Gigawatt-hour) and vastly easier to manage than that from a conventional reactor. Enabling technologies for a muon collider, potentially the next atom-smasher to follow CERNs Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Accelerator technology and related systems, used in research as well as commercial applications