Advanced beam diagnostics are essential for reliable operation of high-performance accelerators and the intense beams produced by them. Non-invasive diagnostics can be used continuously with intense beams, while invasive techniques interfere with the beams and distort the beam profiles. In addition, traditional solid-based beam monitoring instrumentation produces unacceptable levels of radiation operating in high power beam environments. Noninvasive determination of accelerated particle distributions and profiles is the most difficult task of bunch diagnostics, including beam halo monitors. Muons, Inc. proposes to develop a noninvasive Beam Halo Monitor. Our innovative approach is to design the Beam Halo Monitor, where beam induced synchrotron radiation will be used to monitor the beam Halo. This involves an original scheme of light collection using a coronograph for measuring beam halo. In Phase I we will simulate the operation of the beam halo monitor in the IOTA storage ring. The coronograph light collection system will be designed. The fabrication and testing of an industrial strength version of the coronograph based beam halo monitor will be done in Phase II. This advanced universal low cost beam halo monitor can replace all other beam halo monitors used in high power accelerators used for discovery science as well as those used for future industrial applications such as synchrotron radiation sources, and for homeland security applications.