Company Profile

Makefully LLC
Profile last edited on: 2/9/2022      CAGE: 7SXV8      UEI: E5KBKKMW48D6

Business Identifier: Playful educational media, technologies and learning environments for kids of all ages.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

7140 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64114
   (816) 490-6458
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Jackson

Public Profile

Describing what they do as "Play-based R&D", Makefully management describe themselves as a youth media arts organization - connecting directly to their young clientle through creative hands-on projects that combine technology, engineering, art and design while at the same time fostering collaboration among peers and authentic relationships with adult mentors. Designed to provide services to youth of any skill level and give them support and guidance in learning a range of technologies, as particpants are ready, they can move up to more advanced work and projects. Offering both a workshop component to teach the fundamental skills of using various technologies, also offered is open studio time to work solo or with production teams on projects. The effort is to offer those involved more than learning just how to make media projects. Instead the effort is provide a place to develop writing skills, work collaboratively with peers, explore maker practices, innovate and invent, and have a voice: supportive and encouraging environment for all learners to create together in a youth-centered community of practice. Responsive to community needs and to serve youth, the effort is also to engage their families - enabling parents to understand the technology with which their children are engaged but provide support to parents tsuch that theycan work with their children.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Anna Jordan-Douglass -- Founder & Chief Creative Officer

  Derek Detweiler -- Lead Creative Engineer

  Rachelator Duiker -- Designer & Animator

  Justin Hilden -- Creative Director

  Tao Tao Holmes -- Strategist

  Allison Kerek -- Designer & Animator

  Todd Lewis -- Lead Play Developer

  Miguel Montanez Jr -- Co-founder & Chief Creative Technologist

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