Serving across the full range of defense, aerospace, energy, health care, and industrial markets, having a fairly substantial staff and very active in the SBIR arena over an extended period, as a firm InnoSense LLC concentrates in the areas of environmental sensors, nanomaterial-based coatings, functional materials, green technology, engineered materials, renewable energy, and biomedical diagnostics. Employing the latest methods in nanotechnology to produce innovative cancer detection and monitoring systems, anti-fog coatings, and cryogenic insulation, the firm has developed chemical sensors, biosensors, temperature dosimeters, and sensors for use in medical diagnostics and imaging. Active on the green technology front, principals of the firm work in the areas of conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol, nontoxic flame retardants, and photovoltaics. The firm's primary core technology is environmental sensors; InnoSense's founder and CEO commercialized the world's first fiber-optic chemical sensor for hydrocarbons in the 1980s.