Company Profile

Hi-Z Technology Inc (AKA: Electro Technology Corporation)
Profile last edited on: 1/25/2019      CAGE: 0DJG9      UEI: JU3YFG3VLJ29

Business Identifier: Thermoelectric Modules and Generator systems.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

7606 Miramar Road Unit 7400
San Diego, CA 92126
   (619) 695-6660
Location: Single
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Public Profile

Hi-Z is a small, R & D oriented business of 18 engineers, physicists, metallurgists, technicians and others who design, develop, manufacture, and sell bulk material Thermoelectric Modules (based on Hi-Z’s patented gapless eggcrate technology) and Generator systems. The Modules range from milliwatt to kilowatt size in power output.H The firm's custom module serives include conceptual design, simulation, system assembly and performance validation. i-Z’s San Diego facility comprises 9,149 sq. ft. with all of the equipment, tools, and testing capabilities. Hi-Z supports NASA's extraterrestrial missions thru the development of proprietary, superior low power thermoelectric devices.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2017 2 EPA $399,999
Project Title: Biofueled Thermoelectric Cookstove
2016 1 DOE $155,000
Project Title: Renewable Energy Forward Osmosis Desalination System
2015 2 NASA $858,782
Project Title: Radioisotope Power Supply
2014 1 NSF $179,961
Project Title: Ultra Low-Cost Manufacturing Thermoelectric Module
2012 2 Army $849,998
Project Title: Sustainable Materials for Thermal Management of Base Camps

Key People / Management

  Daniel T Allen

  Robert J Campana

  James E Fuchs

  Saeid Ghamaty

  Aleksandr S Kushch

  Frederick W Leavitt

  Arthur G Metcalfe

  Donald P Snowden

Company News

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