Sustainable Materials for Thermal Management of Base Camps
Award last edited on: 2/1/2013

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Velimir Jovanovic

Company Information

Hi-Z Technology Inc (AKA: Electro Technology Corporation)

7606 Miramar Road Unit 7400
San Diego, CA 92126
   (619) 695-6660

Research Institution


Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Hi-Z Technology, Inc. (Hi-Z) and the University of California San Diego propose to adapt Hi-Z’s innovative Quantum Well (QW) thermoelectric (TE) technology to develop a TE cooler for the Army’s base camp tents. The cooler is to be embedded in the flexible tent materials and powered by electricity generated by photovoltaics. Hi-Z has developed nanocomposite QW TE materials that have high Figures of Merit and that can attain very high coefficients of performance (COP) to provide adequate cooling for the tent personnel in extreme environments. With the new QW materials, cooling systems can be fabricated that are much smaller, quieter, lighter-weight and that have much lower power requirements than current thermoelectric materials or presently used vapor-compression equipment. TE coolers have additional advantages over vapor-compression systems because they do not use compressors or refrigerants. On-going development for QW TE materials funded by DOD and DOE has demonstrated high-efficiency TE materials for power applications. Now, coolers to meet Army’s requirements are feasible and will be developed through this STTR. In Phase I QW films will be fabricated to demonstrate that QW materials can be deposited on a low thermal conductivity substrate and provide a high COP and sufficient cooling capacity for this application.

Thermoelectric, Cooling, Base Camps, Thermal Management, Quantum Well, Solid State Devices

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Hi-Z Technology, Inc. (Hi-Z) and the University of California San Diego propose to adapt Hi-Z’s innovative Quantum Well (QW) thermoelectric (TE) technology to develop a TE cooler for the Army’s base camp tents. The cooler is to be embedded in the flexible

Thermoelectrics, Cooling, Base Camps, Thermal Management, Quantum Well, Solid State Devices