Company Profile

Harsh Environment Applied Technologies Inc (AKA: H.E.A.T.~Heatfusion)
Profile last edited on: 11/22/11      CAGE: 1DPL1      UEI:

Business Identifier: Imaging software / night vision
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

10416 Theodore Green Boulevard
White Plains, MD 20695
   (301) 934-7000
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 05
County: Charles

Public Profile

Harsh Environment Applied Technologies Incorporated has facilities in LaPlata and White Plains, Maryland. The firm is focused to design and manufacture advanced digital imaging equipment for military, industrial inspection and machine vision applications. H.E.A.T. develops and manufactures highly integrated systems requiring multi-disciplined engineering solutions. The firm's expertise is focused on systems that have small to medium production runs. However recognizing the necessary development of prototypes and proof of concept systems as a necessary path to reach production, fast cost effective prototyping is a signature abilities. Personnel have extensive experience in the field of digital imaging and specialize in extreme performance in terms of resolution to 12500 X 8500 pixels, speed to 1 million frames per second, exposures to 500 picoseconds, acquisition rates to 1GByte per second, image size to 750Mbytes per frame and electro magnetic spectrum from Ultraviolet to Long Wave Infrared. Internet, Intranet and Remote conferencing facilities These are used with great effect on a daily basis between H.E.A.T. management and technical personnel and our contractors and customers, and provide immediate access to appropriate information and project data.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2009 1 AF $99,832
Project Title: Binocular Multispectral Adaptive Imaging System (BMAIS)
2006 2 Navy $816,049
Project Title: Sensor for Simultaneous Movement and Directed Weapons Fire in Day/Low/No-light
2004 1 NASA $99,081
Project Title: Portable Thermal Linescan Inspection System
2001 2 SOCOM $904,903
Project Title: Individual SOF operator

Key People / Management

  Janet Siviter -- President

  David Siviter

Company News

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