Company Profile

Engineering Science Analysis Corporation (AKA: ESA Corporation)
Profile last edited on: 9/2/2023      CAGE: 1PL19      UEI: K92KPB8RLAC3

Business Identifier: Engineering design, simulation & analysis, manufacturing, advanced software tools
Year Founded
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Location Information

6105 South Ash Avenue Suite A4
Tempe, AZ 85283
   (480) 460-3727
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa

Public Profile

Engineering Science Analysis Corporation provides lean development solutions throughout all phases of the product life cycle: Conceptual Engineering, Product Design, Design Validation, and Commercial Implementation and Support. ESA utilizes industry standards and innovative techniques to develop robust products in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. The desired result is seamless process integration while working towards a lowest cost, market ready product. Working in close partnership with customers in the aerospace, electronic and semiconductor industries, ESA combines technical expertise and knowledge in order to streamline product design cycles, developing robust engineering/design processes and products. ESA offers services and advanced analytical software tools that help customers achieve results the first time. Consulting services include simulation, analysis, research & development, technical design support, prototype manufacturing of development products and computer aided design engineering software.

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