For several decades there have been efforts to encourage oyster cultivation of oysters in Maine waters most recently the native species Crassostrea virginica . One of limited players licensed to grow oysters, the principal of Bagaduce River Oyster Company obtained a lease from the state to grow oysters in the Bagaduce River just upriver from the falls, which help to aerate the water and restrict the tidal range, preventing wide fluctuations in water level that would strand the oysters on exposed mud flats. Maine waters dont always get warm enough for oysters to spawn so most growers buy oyster seed from one of seven hatcheries in the state. With seed oysters about the size of a grain of sand, they are placed in plastic mesh trays that float on the waters surface. The trays ar turned daily to prevent fouling by sponges, sea squirts, and other organisms. In colder regions like Maine, oysters filter water more slow-ly, and so they have more time to rest in their shell and develop the flavor of their home. As winter approaches, Maine oysters begin to stockpile glycogen in preparation for a sort of hibernation making them fat and sweet making that timeof year the best time to eat a Maine oyster. The cold also keeps away the diseases that plague oysters of more southerly waters. Water quality is one of the biggest concerns of the oyster farmer. While the filter-feeding oysters themselves actually help to keep the water clear, pollution can shut down oys- ter-growing areas for months.