Currently deployed network security solutions focus on protecting authenticity and integrity, but NOT privacy and anonymity. And, current anonymity technology cannot be leveraged to rectify this situation for net-centric warfare infrastructures like GIG because it does not support highly dynamic services effectively. Also, no existing anonymous systems support vital, enterprise-class features such as QoS and pseudonymity via secure logging. Bluemoon, however, is an entirely new, privacy-preserving architecture that leverages innovative anonymous hook technology to solve these challenges. A recently developed Bluemoon prototype already provides full unobservability and unlinkability for both data sources and destinations, as well as greater security and flexibility than any current-generation offering in the field. The proposed SBIR research will yield a version of Bluemoon, dubbed Enterprise Bluemoon, that includes enhancements in QoS and secure logging, and provides a total solution for preserving privacy and anonymity in high assurance, dynamic networks. This proposal describes: (a) the existing research that has gone into creating Bluemoon technology and building the initial prototype (which already meets many of the requirements for a Phase II product) and (b) the enhancements we will develop to effect Enterprise Bluemoon, which addresses all five of the IA gaps identified in the QDR.
Keywords: Anonymity, Privacy, Integrity, Quality Of Service, Trusted Networks, Pseudonymity, Global Information Grid, Net-Centric Enterprise Services