Empirical proposes to further develop and clinically validate a complete solution for a rugged, multi-parameter, vital signs monitor. The device, CareTaker, fits inside the palm like a small hockey puck and attaches to a small finger cuff. Once calibrated with a conventional sphygmomanometer, CareTaker will continuously monitor beat by beat blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and hemorrhaging for 100 hours on a battery charge. Two temperature sensors and a provision for an oximeter will be added to the hardware. The software will be embedded into a new processor within the device. Communicating with CareTaker is via Bluetooth to PDAs, PCs, or smart phones. Charts representing trends in physiological parameters may be uploaded. Notes may be added to the virtual chart that will follow the patient to hospitals and home. An LCD is available for radio free use. One proposed clinical investigation will use CareTaker on patients in a MICU who have an arterial catheter. This will verify the ability of CareTaker to accurately track changing blood pressure. Another clinical investigation will use blood donors who effectively hemorrhage a pint of blood. This will verify that CareTaker can effectively monitor bleeding, whether internal, external, or under a bandage.
Keywords: Vital Signs Monitor, Hemorrhagic Shock Monitor, Hemorrhage, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Respiriation Rate,Multi-Parameter, Portable