This proposal offers a detailed work plan to conduct the research and development tasks necessary to produce a system for use by U.S. military planners and their U.S. Government interagency partners to access relevant lessons learned and reachback capabilities in stabilization and reconstruction environments. Development of the proposed Security, Stabilization, Transition, and Reconstruction Information System will be facilitated by our extensive military research and operational experience and by our knowledge of the technological and programmatic issues derived from our previous work in mobile computing and the development of distributed information sharing systems. Anacapa Sciences, Inc., has assem¬bled a uniquely qualified team of human factors engineers, programmers, subject matter experts, and scholars with extensive relevant experience from the University of Kansas to ensure that the products of our work will provide optimum utility to all potential users of the system.
Keywords: Stabilization And Reconstruction, S&R Operations, Computer System, Lessons Learned, Best Practices, Information Sharing, Pmesii, Essential Task Matrix, Human Factors, Task Ana